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job interview. Katherine reached down and picked up a tiny speck of sand off the deck, holding it up for Trish to see. It occurs to me, she said, that your metasystems work essentially lets you calculate the weight of an entire sandy beach . . . by weighing one grain at a time. Yes, basically thats right. As you know, this little grain of sand has mass. A ver canada goose toronto y small mass, but mass nonetheless. Trish nodded. And because this grain of sand has mass, it therefore exerts gravity. Again, too small to feel, but there. Right. Now, canada goose toronto Katherine said, if we take trillions of these sand grains and let them attract one another to form . . . say, the moon, then their combined gravity is enough to move entire oceans and drag the tides back and forth across our planet. Trish had no idea where this was

delegator that tapped a search engine at this IP and pulled a redacted document. I need to see the rest of the document. Im happy to pay them for it, but I cant figure out who owns the IP or how to access it. Zoubianis frowned at his screen. Are you sure about this? Im running a diagnostic, and this firewall coding looks . . . pretty serious. Thats why you get the big bucks. Zoubianis considered it. Theyd offered him a fortune for a job this easy. One question, Trish. Why are you so hot on this? Trish paused. Im doing a fa canada goose toronto vor for a friend. Must be a special friend. She is. Zoubianis chuckled canada goose toronto and held his tongue. I knew it. Look, Trish said, sounding impatient. Are you good enough to unmask this IP? Yes or no? Yes, Im good enough. And yes, I know youre playing me like a fiddle. How long

this much. They should have arrived by now. Katherine walked over to the exit a canada goose toronto nd heaved open the lead-lined door, staring out into the void. She listened for a moment, but heard nothing. Trish? she called out, her voice swallowed by the darkness. Silence. Puzzled, she closed the door, took out her cell phone, and called the lobby. This is Katherine. Is Trish out there? No, maam, the lobby guard said. She and your guest headed bac canada goose toronto k about ten minutes ago. Really? I dont think theyre even inside Pod Five yet. Hold on. Ill check. Katherine could hear the guards fingers clicking on his computer keyboard. Youre right. According to Ms. Dunnes key-card logs, she has not yet opened the Pod Five door. Her last access event was about eight minutes ago . . . at Pod Three. I guess shes giving your

powerful. More influential. Having endured unthinkable hardship in preparation for his return, Malakh was poised tonight to fulfill his destiny at last. He felt certain that before the night was over, he would indeed be staring into the dying eyes of Katherine Solomon. As Malakh reached the bay door, he rea canada goose toronto ssured himself that Katherine had not truly escaped; she had only pr canada goose toronto olonged the inevitable. He slid through the opening and strode confidently across the darkness until his feet hit the carpet. Then he took a right turn and headed for the Cube. The banging on the door of Pod 5 had stopped, and Malakh suspected the guard was now trying to remove the dime Malakh had jammed into the key panel to render it useless. When Malakh reached the door that led into the Cube, he located the outer

like obvious and useless. Once again, he read the six words delicately inscribed on the face of the capstone. The secret hides within The Order The secret hides within The Order? At first glance, the inscription appeared to be stating the obviousthat the letters on the pyramid were out of order and that their secret lay in finding their proper canada goose toronto sequence. This reading, however, in addition to being self-evident, seemed unlike canada goose toronto ly for another reason. The words the and order are capitalized, Langdon said. Katherine nodded blankly. I saw that. The secret hides within The Order. Langdon could think of only one logical implication. ‘The Order must be referencing the Masonic Order. I agree, Katherine said, but its still no help. It tells us nothing. Langdon had to concur. After all, the entire

Congress, Bellamy had stepped into the electrical room to plug in the construction lighting. In the privacy of that moment, he had decided to send a quick text mes canada goose toronto sage to Solomons captor, telling him a canada goose toronto bout Satos involvement, but reassuring him that heBellamyand Langdon had obtained the Masonic Pyramid and would indeed cooperate with his demands. It was a lie, of course, but Bellamy hoped the reassurance might buy time, both for Peter Solomon and also to hide the pyramid. Who told you I sent a text? Bellamy demanded. Sato tossed Bellamys cell phone on the bench next to him. Hardly rocket science. Bellamy now remembered his phone and keys had been taken from him by the agents who captured him. As for the rest of my inside information, Sato said, the Patriot Act gives me the right to place a

substantiate Satos portentous tone, the mantel clock began chiming the hour. Sato took out a Ziploc bag of items and tossed it to Bellamy. Heres your stuff. Does your cell phone take photos? Yes, maam. Good. Hold up the capstone. The message Malakh had just received was from his contactWarren Bellamythe Mason he had sent to the Capitol Building earlier tonight to assist Robert canada goose toronto Langdon. Bellamy, like Langdon, wanted Peter Solomon back alive and had assured Malakh he would help Langdon acquire and decipher the pyramid. All night, Malakh had been receiving e-mail updates, which had been automatically forwarded to his cell phone. This should be interesting, Malakh thought, opening the message. From: Warren Bellamy got separated from langdon but f canada goose toronto inally have info you demanded. proof attached.

probably did exist. Most ancient philosophies concurred. Buddhist and Brahminical wisdom endorsed metempsych canada goose toronto osisthe transmigration of the soul into a new body after death; Platonists defined the body as a prison from which the soul escaped; and the Stoics called the soul apospasma tou theua particle of Godand believed it was recalled by God upon death. The existence of the human soul, Katherine noted with some frustration, was probably a conc canada goose toronto ept that would never be scientifically proven. Confirming that a consciousness survived outside the human body after death was akin to exhaling a puff of smoke and hoping to find it years later. After their discussion, Katherine had a strange notion. Her brother had mentioned the Book of Genesis and its description of the soul as Neshemaha kind of